
4 Habits You Need to Succeed on YouTube (NEW YouTuber Advice)

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February 13, 2023
4 Habits You Need to Succeed on YouTube

If you’re just starting out on YouTube or if you’ve been publishing for a while and want a refresh on the basics, these tips are for you.

Read our insights below or take a look at our YouTube video on the subject:

Succeed on YouTube With These Four Habits

Any guesses on how many videos your average YouTube channel with between 1000 and 10,000 subscribers has uploaded? 


That’s two videos every week for a year and a half. Maybe you’ll hit it big with your first video, but probably not. Engaging content posted consistently is the key. It takes time to figure out your niche. We start a channel with a big idea; then, we figure out what works and what doesn’t, what people watch and what they skip. In other words, your 150th video will probably be very different from your first, but you’ll need to go through the process of creating those first videos to really find your feet in the world of YouTube.

#1 Keep at it: Persistence is KEY

How do you figure out what works? Data. YouTube Analytics is a good place to start; it gives you that next level of data, helping you choose the right keywords and find gaps in the market. TubeBuddy’s Channelytics, Opportunity Finder, and advanced A/B testing functions can also be a massive help to any creator. We could talk about data for hours, but the main point is to try new things to see how your content is performing. Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Simple, right?

#2 Keep Track of Ideas and Inspiration

Inspiration might be what starts a YouTube channel, but it’s not what keeps it going. Keep a bank of ideas you can draw from when inspiration is hard to find. Create a content calendar and decide what you’re going to post and when. Schedule based on what you can realistically record, edit and publish.

#3 Be Strategic About your Content Scheduling

Let’s say you’re doing a tutorials channel. As a subject matter expert, your instinct might be to jump right into an expert level. That’s limiting your audience. Start with the 101 content. Build a foundation. Later, when you get into the expert-level stuff, new subscribers will have a well of content they could dig into which will continue to drive views to your early videos too.

#4 Treat Creating Content Like a Second Job

Real talk; some days, that’s what it feels like. Apparently, 78% of creators burn out, so approach your channel intentionally so you can be in the other 22%. All of the tips we’ve mentioned will help when the going gets tough. In the end, likes, views, and subscribers feel great when they come, but they’re not entirely within our control. Find support by joining a community of fellow creators. TubeBuddy Discord is a great place to start. Keep at it. Learn from your successful and your not so successful content. 

And remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. You’ve absolutely got this.