
Creator Monetization: Don’t Sleep on TikTok Shop

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Carla Marshall
May 22, 2024
Creator Monetization: how to add products to TikTok Shop

If there’s one piece of advice for content creators looking to make bank, it’s this: don’t sleep on TikTok Shop. That goes for whether you’re currently active and monetized on TikTok or not.

TikTok Shop is an integrated shopping feature within the TikTok app. It eliminates much of the ecommerce friction, making it easy for users to buy stuff while engaging with various content, including live videos, in-feed videos on the For You page, brand profiles with pinned shopping badges, and the newly introduced ‘Shop’ tab. 

With its innovative features and thriving community, TikTok and its Shop has evolved into a bustling ecosystem that caters to sellers of all shapes and sizes.

It’s a powerful opportunity for creators in part because viewers can browse and buy without navigating away from TikTok. No “link in bio,” no pinning first comments with a link to a storefront hosted elsewhere.

how to monetize with TikTok shop

This integration has fueled its popularity among users, who can easily browse, then purchase, products from creators and brands. Whether you’re a creator on another platform (like YouTube), or TikTok will be your first attempt at generating revenue through sales, it’s an exciting place to learn the basics,

For creators, TikTok Shop offers extra opportunities for monetization. By showcasing products within their content, creators can earn commissions from sales generated through their videos. 

How Creators Can Make Money from TikTok Shop:

TikTok Shop is currently available in eight counties across the world: the US, the UK, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Singapore. Creators who link a shop to their TikTok account can immediately benefit from the following:

Monetization Opportunities

With TikTok Shop, the sky’s the limit regarding monetization. Whether promoting your products or collaborating with brands, TikTok Shop offers many opportunities to earn income through affiliate partnerships and commissions. It’s a platform that empowers creators to turn their passion into profit.

Merchandise Display

TikTok Shop allows creators to integrate their merchandise into their videos seamlessly. Whether you’re a fashion influencer showcasing the latest trends or an artist unveiling your latest creations, TikTok Shop offers a visually captivating platform to showcase your products.

Adding product links to your bio makes it easy for potential buyers to access products.

Seamless Integration

Worried about disrupting your creative flow? Fear not! TikTok Shop seamlessly integrates with your content creation process, allowing you to incorporate your products into your videos effortlessly. This ensures a cohesive and immersive experience for your audience without compromising quality.

how to set up TikTok shop as a creator

How to Set Up Shop as a Creator/Seller

Do you have a TikTok account in an eligible country and are curious about setting up your TikTok Shop? Let’s walk through the process step by step:

  1. Access TikTok Shop: Begin by navigating to and click on the ‘Get Started’ button.
  2. Choose Your Role: Upon arrival, select your role – whether you’re a seller, creator, partner, or affiliate. For this guide, let’s assume you’re a seller. Click on ‘Seller’ and then proceed to ‘Learn More.’
  3. Select Your Region: Pick the region where you intend to sell your products. You’ll then be prompted to either create a new TikTok Shop account or log in using your existing TikTok credentials. Consider creating a separate TikTok Shop account to maintain flexibility in case of future changes.
  4. Register as a Merchant: After logging in, choose to ‘Register as a merchant.’ Provide details such as your shop name, business type, and other relevant information. Completing this section thoroughly will expedite the approval process.
  5. Identity Verification: Upload a scan of a valid identity document. This step is crucial for security reasons, regardless of whether you’re an individual seller or a large business entity. Documents required may vary based on your country but typically include a driver’s license or passport.
  6. Review and Confirm: Double-check all entered information for accuracy. Once satisfied, agree to the Merchants Terms of Service and click ‘Submit.’
  7. Wait for Approval: TikTok will review your application, a process usually taking between two to three days. Assuming all information is accurate and there are no further inquiries, TikTok will approve your application.
  8. Setup Bank Details: Upon approval, proceed to fill in your bank details. You can then start uploading products and commence selling on TikTok Shop!

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to establishing your presence on TikTok Shop and reaching a wider audience with your products. If you want more details on how to set up a TikTok shop take a look this step-by-step tutorial.

Start Selling on TikTok Shop

TikTok Shop represents a realm of untapped potential for creators. With its seamless shopping experience and array of features, it’s revolutionizing how we engage with commerce on social media. 

With any social platform, you’ll need to bring your A-game when it comes to providing value to your viewers and prospective buyers. Everything that goes into a great video, like authenticity, creativity and imaginative storytelling, needs to be a factor in any promotion you do. Take a look at our guide to finding the hottest trending music on TikTok to take advantage of the audio and music tracks currently going viral too. 

So why wait? Dive into the world of TikTok Shop and unlock a world of possibilities for earning extra revenue today!

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