Competitor Analysis

the #1 YouTube Competitor Analysis Tool

Compare your channel against its competition and keep track of their latest videos. Uncover the secrets behind their success and use them to fuel your growth.f

Uncover the winning strategies behind your competitors’ success

Imagine having a crystal-clear view of where you stand against up to 10 direct competitors, comparing everything from lifetime views and subscribers to recent engagement metrics. That’s what the Competitor Analysis does for you.

Study how fast your competitors grew their subscribers and views. Pinpoint the exact moments when their growth exploded and reverse engineer their success.

By seeing what has resonated with viewers on competing channels, you can tailor your content to captivate and grow your own following. It’s like having a roadmap to success, highlighting what works and guiding your next big move. Thumbnails will get the most clicks. Combine advanced analytics with AI and watch your Click-Through Rate increase.

channel performace
AB Testing

Stay on top of your competition’s latest content

Get instant notifications — via email, in-app, or text — minutes after your competitors publish new content. See what types of videos they’re experimenting with and identify emerging trends before they go mainstream.

TubeBuddy’s real-time intel will empower you to respond swiftly, adapt your strategy, and keep your channel on top of what’s capturing people’s attention right now.

Find what’s working in your niche with Competitor Analysis

Here’s how the Competitor Analysis works

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TubeBuddy Checkmark


* denotes limited access

How to analyze your competition on YouTube

Step 1: Open the ‘Quick Links’ menu at the top of YouTube Studio. Under Website Tools, select ‘Competitor.’

Step 2: Add at least one competing channel by pasting its URL.

Step 3: Open TubeBuddy’s Competitor Scorecard by clicking the ‘Scorecard’ tab. Compare their results and find winning strategies.

Checkout what other creators are saying

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Karl Oftebro

“Once it got my videos ranking #1 in search I was hooked.”


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Danie Jay

“TubeBuddy is VITAL for any YouTuber who is serious about making their channel a lucrative side-hustle or full-time job!”


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Karin Carr

“TubeBuddy is like having a YouTube expert on staff who will give you advice and direction whenever you need it.”


Frequently Asked Questions

How many competitors can I track at any given time?

Competitor Analysis allows users in the Legend plan to track up to 10 competitors, while Enterprise users can track unlimited competitors.

What metrics does Competitor Analysis compare my channel for?

Competitor Analysis uses a competitor scorecard to compare both channels’ total views, subscribers, and uploads over their lifetime and during the last 30 days.

It will also compare the views, likes, dislikes, comments, and engagement rates for the most recent uploads and the most popular videos for each of their channels.

Will my competition know I’m tracking them on Competitor Analysis?

Not at all! TubeBuddy uses YouTube’s API to get its data. What’s more, it’s all public data—the viewers, subscribers, and uploads. Your competition will never know you’re monitoring them.

How fast will I be notified after a competitor uploads a video to YouTube?

TubeBuddy’s Competitor Analysis will send you an email notification within minutes of a competitor’s video upload.

What type of notifications can I get?

Competitor Analysis will send you an email, a notification on TubeBuddy’s dashboard, or a text message to your phone number.

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Suggested Shorts

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  • Identfy your contents best moments.
  • Learn what your audience loves to see.
  • Available in all plans
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Click Magnet

Access advanced analytics that show you how to get more people to click on your videos.

  • Determine which videos perform best.
  • Discover what is driving the highest CTR.
  • Available in Legend and Enterprise
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Thumbnail Generator

Create professional thumbnails using parts from your video all in one place.

  • Edit and create your thumbnails all in one place.
  • Quickly make thumbnails that win clicks.
  • Available in all plans.
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