Advanced Video Embed

the #1 YouTube Embed Code Generator

customize the look of your embedded videos or playlists

Generic video embeds can disrupt your site’s aesthetics and dilute your brand. With TubeBuddy’s Advanced Video Embed, that’s a thing of the past.

Tailor your video embeds to fit your exact needs. You can choose between 14 different video customization options, from video size to play and keyboard controls to advanced privacy mode and more.

Tailor, tweak, and transform your embedded videos until they feel right. Manifest your vision without compromises.

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captivate your audience and elevate engagement

TubeBuddy’s Advanced Video Embed feature puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to control how your videos appear on your website.

Customize playback settings, integrate videos seamlessly into your design, and ensure optimal viewing on any device.

Don’t just share a video; craft an immersive experience that keeps your viewers engaged and yearning for more.

captivate your audience and elevate engagement

here’s how the Advanced Video Embed works

feature available on

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* denotes limited access

how to personalize your YouTube video embeds

Step 1: Select one of your videos on the “My Videos” page and click the TubeBuddy icon.

Step 2: Under the miscellaneous section, click “Advanced Embed.”

Step 3: Choose all the customization options you want, from video size to auto-play and beyond.

Checkout what other creators are saying

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Karl Oftebro

“Once it got my videos ranking #1 in search I was hooked.”


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Danie Jay

“TubeBuddy is VITAL for any YouTuber who is serious about making their channel a lucrative side-hustle or full-time job!”


TubeBuddy creator picture

Karin Carr

“TubeBuddy is like having a YouTube expert on staff who will give you advice and direction whenever you need it.”


Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any compatibility issues with specific browsers?

Not at all. The Advanced Video Embed works seamlessly in every browser, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.

How complicated is it to use these advanced embedding features?

It’s as easy as clicking on the customization options in the video embed menu and selecting the ones you want to use.

Will the customization interfere with YouTube’s algorithms or affect my video’s rankings?

Fortunately, it won’t. Our YouTube embed code generator plays no role in your video rankings. In fact, it’ll likely increase your video viewing engagement and retention, which can help you rank your videos higher in YouTube’s search engine results.

How will these customizations affect the viewer’s ability to share or interact with the video?

It won’t affect them at all. Your viewers will enjoy the same options to share your video with their friends. If they click on the video link (that’s your video title), they’ll get redirected to YouTube, where they can like and comment on your video.

Will customizing the embed codes affect video playback or loading times?

No, it won’t. Our embed code generator works exactly like the one YouTube offers, so you’ll see no issues with your video playback or loading times.

Are there additional costs associated with using the advanced embed features?

Nope. TubeBuddy’s Advanced Video Embed is free to use on every plan.

Can I revert to the default embed settings if the customizations don’t work as expected?

Sure. Changing your customization options is as easy as selecting (or de-selecting) the advanced video embed menu options.

Are there any limitations on the number of customizations I can apply to a single video or playlist?

Not at all! You can select as many options as you want.

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Click Magnet

Access advanced analytics that show you how to get more people to click on your videos.

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Thumbnail Generator

Create professional thumbnails using parts from your video all in one place.

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