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Upload Checklist
Roberto Blake
Visit YouTube Channel
1 Decide How You Will Upload
When you upload a video to YouTube you have the option to set it to public, private or unlisted.You can also schedule the video to be public at a specific time and date.This is something you should take advantage of to help you put out conistent content on a schedule.

2 Descriptions, Titles, and Tags
Don’t be lazy on your METADATA: Descriptions, Titles and Tags. These all help your videos be found in YouTube. If you’re not handling these properly it is probably why your videos are not getting viewed.

3 Upload Custom Thumbnails
Making quality thumbnails is probably the second most important aspect of getting your videos to be watched. Handling the METADATA from the previous step is probably the most important. Boring thumnbnails don’t get clicked. Get a custom thumbnail by enabling monetization on your channel.

4 Share Videos In Social Media
Distribution and engagement in the first 48 hours really matters in the long run for YouTube video rankings and exposure. It’s more about watch time than raw views. Share your videos in social media platforms where there is an audience that will enjoy it.

5 Use YouTube Info Cards
YouTube Info Cards let you trigger engagement and can be used in a lot of ways. They are an evolution of the YouTube annotations feature and can let you link to other videos, playlist, fan funding, other channels and now even polls. This is a great way to get more watch time and engagement.

6 Add Your Video To A Playlist
YouTube playlists are another opportunity to be discovered in YouTube search and they are great for increasing watch time on your channel and not having your viewers move on to random videos somewhere else. This also can keep your channel organized for your viewers.

7 Use Closed Captions (Maybe)
Closed Captions can matter if you have an international audience, but they are also great for the differently-abled and can help with discovery in YouTube search. It’s something I’m doing more often on my main content.

8 Monetize Your Videos
There is no proof that YouTube videos that generate ad revenue get promoted more in YouTube, but as a businessman myself I’d bet on it personally. In any case, monetizing your videos gives you an opportunity to make money that you can invest back into your channel if you want for equipment, etc.

9 Enable/Disable Comments
Decide if you want to enable or disable comments. If you are doing a promo or demo for a client or work for a company you might want to disable comments. It’s practical. If you don’t want feedback or engagement disable them. Typically I try to engage with my comments as much as possible.